Sunday, March 30, 2014

Testing Week

Welcome to the first of three testing weeks in 4th grade.

My readers and writers are ready to go.  We have completed one full practice test and part of a second one.  My goals for your wonderful children is for them to do their best.  We will not have much homework this week as I prefer them to get a good night sleep and get their energy out during the week.

We will continue with our math, writing, and social studies this week as well.  We are about to learn about the Declaration of Independence and write Literary Essay's.

As a heads up: I am a lead scorer for the ELA and will be out on Friday and Monday to get the tests graded for the district.  Mrs. Higgs will be in for us both days.  I know everything will run as smoothly as I was there.

Please encourage your reader to do their best work this week!

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Friday, March 21, 2014

Upcoming Week

I can't believe it is SPRING!  Now, for the weather to take a turn.  

I am very proud of my hard working Team for their successes this week and look forward to another great week ahead.

In Reading Workshop, we started with Book 1 and moved onto Book 2 for our ELA prep.  Please note a rather lengthy note coming home today about the things we have discussed.  Next week we will work on Book 3 and continue to practice all of the great skills we have been reminded about: complete sentences, capital letters, using textual evidence as details in the middle of our answers, and working to do our very best.

In Math this week we were lucky to have Ms. M take over for three days to introduce multiplying fractions.  She has completed her teaching with us but will continue to observe what we are doing on Monday and Friday mornings for the remainder of her semester.  Next week we will be moving onto measuring. It will be an ice break for those who were not very fond of fractions. 

Our persuasive essays are completed and published!  Each writer typed their essay and we have even had a chance to share them.  As an added bonus, we wrote a letter of compliment to a company this week (in essay format).  Ask your writer who they wrote to!  Next week we will type and mail them.  We will also begin our next writing unit of Literary Essay.  

We will take a break next week from the Revolution to fit in everything else we are working on.  It will be back next week! 

Thank you for all of the assistance you give your children at home!

Even famous people use Apps!

Billy Joel may not be as wonderful to you as 4th graders as he is to me but this is a great use of an App!

Friday, March 14, 2014

Math Help

As a reminder, you can always view the math textbook by clicking the Pearson link above and logging in as your child!

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Adding and Subtracting Fractions/American Revolution/Persuasive Writing/Fables

A busy week.....

Mrs. Reagan has been joining us all week for Writing Conferences... it has been a learning opportunity for both students, teachers, and even the principal. I am perfecting they way I work with your students on writing.  They have been helpful and patient! We are publishing tomorrow and moving on to Literary Essay - our next unit - on Monday.

In math, we are quickly learning how to add and subtract fractions.  As some say in the class "piece of cake".  The difficult part is simplifying.  We are working hard and will master it.  Next week we are lucky to have a College of Saint Rose Graduate Student teaching 3 lessons!

Reading Workshop has focused on point of view and fables this week as well as answering questions in complete sentences.  We are now 3 weeks away from the ELA test and I will be working on test taking strategies... i.e., how to answer questions with details, best strategies for multiple choice questions, and reading for meaning over the next few weeks.  I will try not to make it too painful.

The American Revolution is underway in SS and we are enjoying a few episodes of Liberty Kids to help our understanding.  Additionally, we are reading, creating venn diagrams, and having great discussions.

Thank you for signing off on the HW Update sheets.  I appreciate your support.

Not sure what will happen with the weather.... we'll see about school tomorrow.

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Behavior Plan

Today we are starting a new behavior plan.  I really like Class Dojo but it is hard to manage.  I always need it projected and it is impossible to leave for a substitute teacher.  We will be moving to a clip system.  There is an explanation in your child's binder.  Thank you for your patience as I make changes to our plan.

Monday, March 3, 2014

Back to our ROUTINES

It feels great to be back in our routines after a week of floating and sinking.  This week we will take a quiz on our floating and sinking unit on Tuesday!

Math will continue to focus on fractions.  We will be comparing, ordering, and problem solving.  We will review this chapter on Thursday and take the Chapter 11 test on Friday.  We also have our March Interim Assessment on Friday.  This does not count towards their averages but instead gives me information for my instruction.

In Writing Workshop, we will be completing our persuasive essays.  We are focusing on how to make sure our reasons and evidence line up with our thesis statement.  It is a skill that can be difficult to master.

For Reading Workshop, we will be looking at 1st person vs. 3rd person.  Additionally, my readers will begin to practice answering questions about what they have read (as an early preparation for our ELA test in 4 weeks).

Today we began a new book about the American Revolution titled History Happened Here.  It is a great book that tells the events as a story.  At this point in our study, we are up to the Continental Congress and the war has begun.

Don't forget our spelling tests on Tuesday and Thursday will resume tomorrow.  Vocab is due on Tuesday with a quiz on Wednesday.

Thank you to all who attended the Wacky Olympics!!  I hope you enjoyed yourself.