Monday, November 18, 2013

Sunday, November 17, 2013

Rocks and Minerals Academy

Tomorrow starts the Rocks and Mineral's Academy! That is an entire week of science! I have found over the past 10 years that this is the best way to help my scientists really dive into the scientific concepts. We will be working with Mrs. Nicholson's class (Mrs. Higgs right now) and have combined lab teams. There is a list of vocabulary coming home tomorrow. Please spend some time each day reviewing this vocabulary. It will help your scientist to dive deep into the unit. During our "non scientific" periods of the day we will be wrapping up our first unit on multiplication, our Thanksgiving math projects, our Reading Groups, and our fiction pieces.

I hope you can join us on Friday during Rocks and Minerals!

Thanks for all that you do!

Friday, November 8, 2013

Fantastic Week

What a fantastic week we have coming to a close. We are experienced readers and writers of inferences. This is a difficult skill and I am so impressed with the hard work being put into practicing it! Next week we will work on inferring the meaning of words.

The fiction pieces being completed during Writing Workshop are coming along very well. Some writers have even begun publishing. These pieces will continue on even when we move onto our next topic.

Our next Social Studies unit is on the Explorers of New York. To prepare for our project, we have spent time as a class learning the best ways to complete research and take notes. This is a skill that takes a good deal of practice! We are using a great website to help us: RESEARCH SITE. Check it out!

We completed our study of addition and subtraction in math and next up is multiplication. Keep practicing those facts!! It will only help!

Thank you for all of your support and the amount of encouragement you give your students.

Have a great three day weekend!